Nappkin + Hannah Norton Writes
+ New Logos
+ Branding
+ Business Cards
+ Individual Projects
Hannah is an author / journalist and works on different projects, but she is also very passionate about Nappkin – an organisation she started that provides varied services to struggling new mums.
When Hannah came to me for two new logos, she already had an idea that she wanted navy combined with gold accents for both logos. She also wanted to portray a “resting, stress-free” female in the Nappkin logo and drew inspiration from writer Hunter S. Thompson for the fist in the Hannah Norton Writes logo.
She needed both logos to work together on a business card, even though they are for completely different businesses and she would also include Nappkin on her own website later on.
It was such an honour to be involved in this project and to support Hannah’s vision!

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Mon - Thu: 9am - 5pm
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