You’re a small business with BIG dreams

It doesn’t matter whether you’re starting a new venture from scratch or you feel that your existing brand needs a little love, I can help you create a cohesive brand with designs that reflect your unique values and speaks directly to your ideal client.

Here’s how I can help…

Full Branding Packages

From researching your competitors, conseptualising your brand message through to a final logo design in different variations, submarks, profile icons and favicons, to mini brand packs, style guides and an external brand pack…choose the package that suits your needs.

Collateral Items

Business cards, letterheads, flyers, brochures, booklets, thank you cards, gift vouchers, price lists, calendars, Christmas cards, labels, notepads, presentations, shopping lists, compliment slips…if you can dream it, I have probably designed it.

Social Media

Your choice of 12 or 24 designed tiles (think special events, holidays, a series of tips, testimonials, etc) or a whole year’s worth of posts custom designed using your branding. I can also supply the script to go with each post to  make your life as easy as possible!

Other Designs

Annual reports, pull-up banners, digital advertising, billboards, pen / mug / t-shirt branding, templates, car graphics, wall decals…I’ve done it all!

Need something else not listed here? Contact me for a custom quote, I’m happy to help.

The design process is collaborative – it’s not something that I do on my own, you are part of the team!

We work together to ensure that you are ecstatic with the end result.

The creative process

1. Saying hi and collecting info

After an initial 15 minute chat to see if we are the right fit and to answer any questions you might have, you receive a welcome pack outlining the whole process, some initial dates for completion as well as a comprehensive briefing questionnaire.  A 50% deposit is required at this stage.

Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, we book in a 30 minute brainstorming session to discuss your answers.

2. Research

Armed with your questionnaire responses and notes from our brainstorming, I learn as much as I can about your business by researching your industry, ideal client and your closest competitors.

This gives me a sense of what works for your target market and how we can ensure that your branding is unique and that it highlights your point of difference.

While going through these steps, the ideas start to form…

3. Design phase

This is where the magic happens! I put together some initial, well thought out concepts with colours, fonts and imagery that convey a clear message about your brand’s values.

The polished concepts are sent to you to get your feedback, along with an explanation of how they fit the brief and why they would grab the attention of your ideal client. At this point you will either love them all, or we will tweak them to ensure that everything is perfect.

4. Completion and celebration

Once the chosen concepts are finalised and approved and the balance paid, the final files are sent to you with all the necessary formats included in your chosen package.

Your brand is now ready to get launched and I do a little happy dance every time I see it out there in the big, wide world!

I will hold your hand throughout this process as well to make sure you have everything you need.

The best feeling in the world is when my clients are ecstatic about their brand and can’t wait to launch it.

That is the result I strive for each and every time!

And when we get that WOOHOO moment, we celebrate – with donuts and coffee of course.

Ready to get your brand sorted? To start attracting your ideal clients, really connecting to them and having a consistent look across all of your touch points?